Knights of the round code geass
Knights of the round code geass

Outside, the Black Knights get a giant stash of old uniforms and happily try them on, while Kallen informs Tohdoh of Urabe's death Chiba is seen looking at them, and Asahina promptly comes up and tells her to "confess", much to her denial. then tells Lelouch that they will talk about Geass later to deal with other matters, so Lelouch puts on his mask. Kallen finally asks if she should be in charge of the Zero Squad, and after receiving confirmation, promptly leaves. also asks if his identity will remain secret among the three of them, and Lelouch confirms it. Lelouch, in an attempt to appease her, flirtatiously responds by saying that not everyone knows about their "relationship", causing Kallen to shout at him to not say that yet blush at the same time. As Lelouch tries to change the subject though, Kallen questions why he would keep the pilot's identity a secret from her, then asks if his secretive side is a trait of Zero or Lelouch. Out of respect for Urabe, Lelouch decides not to give away Rolo's name, but does say that he is on their side when Kallen asks him and that he didn't Geass him. says it left through a escape route Xingke made for Zero. Inside, Kallen asks Lelouch what happened to the Vincent pilot, and C.C. The same night the Black Knights prisoners are freed into the United States of Japan, Tamaki signals for everyone to throw off their prison outfits, leaving everyone in their underwear. To test Lelouch, he allows him to speak with the new Viceroy of Area 11: Nunnally vi Britannia.

knights of the round code geass

Alone, Suzaku reveals to Lelouch his goal of becoming the Knight of One, which would allow him complete governing authority over an Area of his choosing. She tells Lelouch how she came with Kaname Ohgi the previous year, and Lelouch uses this information to blackmail her. A welcoming party is held for Suzaku at the academy, and C.C.'s love of pizza threatens to reveal Lelouch's secret Kallen arrives to retrieve her but is seen by Villetta.

knights of the round code geass

With the Black Knights reassembled, Lelouch plans to lead the resistance while maintaining his façade as a student.

knights of the round code geass

Suzaku returns to Ashford Academy to investigate Lelouch. 4 Knightmare Frames in Order of Appearance.

Knights of the round code geass